What We’ve Learned So Far...

Since our launch in August, we’ve been thinking about the ways we can best support you as a community.

We heard from you that you want to help. We see that you believe this is an all-hands-on-deck moment as much as we do, and we’re excited about working with you. We have a strong interest in creating a safe space for this group to connect and collaborate on solutions.

We have curated a list of articles, links, resources and coverage that have been useful to us, and aims to shed light on these humanity challenges. Visit the page at: https://www.buildtechwetrust.com/further-reading. We are also working on a guide that can help make the public more aware of how the multi-faceted universe around social media, data, privacy, and radicalization touches their lives, and what actions they can take.

Further, we are thrilled to have connected with the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Financial Services last week regarding their hearing with Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg. You can read the letter we submitted to Congress here, which was accompanied by a suggested list of questions to ask. We were pleased with the preparation of the committee, but were underwhelmed by Mr. Zuckerberg’s responses. We’ve expressed our thoughts and concerns about how the hearing went on Medium.

If our communication has felt sparse, we apologize. We take protecting your information seriously and have been researching the most secure ways for us to communicate with you. Despite the less frequent communication cadence, we’re still here and want to work in partnership with you. We’re listening, we’re learning, and we’re working to understand the quickly evolving conversation around this issue.

Going forward, we’re moving away from email as our primary method of communication. We’re publishing updates on private pages on our website (https://www.buildtechwetrust.com/journal; Password: pullet-cobble-forgive) and on Twitter. Please check in regularly. We’re also building secure channels of communication for the members of our community to communicate and collaborate with each other. We’ll let you know when these are up and running.

For anyone who is located in the Bay Area, we will be hosting our first event in December. Stay tuned for an official announcement. We’re committed to creating a space where those of us who are committed to building better can learn and engage with each other. 

If you know anyone who may be interested in joining us, have them fill out the interest form on our site.


The Build Tech We Trust Coalition

We called. You answered.